Conference Hotel Info
Attention: Lodging is not included in your registration fees. For your convenience, we have set up room blocks in a fantastic hotel with great rates, options, and full breakfast included (breakfast is not served at the conference). We encourage you to reserve rooms sooner rather than later so you don't miss out on the conference rate.
Our Official Conference Hotel is two hotels in one location! The Hilton Garden Inn/Homewood Suites is located in the same building on 222 Central Avenue (Route 66) in downtown Albuquerque, approximately 1.5 miles from the Student Union Building at UNM where the conference will be held. Although located in the same building, they operate as two hotels and offer guests different options.
Conference Hotel Room Block Rates Sept. 2-6, 2025* (Rates available until Aug. 1, 2025 or when the room block is full):
- Hilton Garden Inn: $159/night + tax for a room with 2 queen beds and includes full breakfast for 2 people.
- Homewood Suites by Hilton: $159/night + tax for a suite with kitchenette, 1 King bed w/pullout couch. Breakfast Buffet is included for everyone in the suite (max of 4 people).
- Reservation Help: If you have issues booking online or if you have questions, please call Kari Bryan in the group sales department at 505-808-1038 Monday thru Friday from 8am to 4pm MDT.
- Parking: $12 per day per vehicle for both HIlton Garden Inn/Homewood Suites in Secured Hotel Garage – there are complimentary parking options also – ask front desk at check in.
Ways to Get to Campus from the conference hotels. The conference hotels are located on Central Avenue (Route 66) just like UNM:
* Conference shuttle buses (free - limited schedule)
* City Bus (free)
* Walking (20 minutes from SpringHill Suites)
* Driving (must pay for parking)
Conference shuttle bus service: TBA in August 2025
City Bus Info (ABQ Ride) for transportation to UNM (currently, city buses are free):
- Preferred Route: Route 766 or 777 - Board bus at EDO (east downtown) ART Center Platform bus stop (2 blocks East of hotel on Central). Exit Bus at Popejoy Center Platform (on Central and Cornell) to get to UNM. The Student Union Building (SUB) is straight ahead, approximately a block north of Central Ave. on the UNM Campus.
- Alternate Route: Route 66 - Board bus at bus stop right outside the hotel on Central Avenue and Exit bus on Central Ave & Yale Blvd. Cross Central Avenue on Yale Blvd north onto UNM campus & keep walking straight (approx. 600 ft) until you come to a fountain (Mother Earth Fountain). Make a right (east) and walk approx. 110 feet past Woodward Hall (left). The Student Union Building is on the left before you run into another large walkway (Cornell Mall).
City Bus Info (ABQ Ride) for transportation to UNM (currently, city buses are free):
- Preferred Route: Route 766 or 777 - Board bus at EDO (east downtown) ART Center Platform bus stop (2 blocks East of hotel on Central). Exit Bus at Popejoy Center Platform (on Central and Cornell) to get to UNM. The Student Union Building (SUB) is straight ahead, approximately a block north of Central Ave. on the UNM Campus.
- Alternate Route: Route 66 - Board bus at bus stop right outside the hotel on Central Avenue and Exit bus on Central Ave & Yale Blvd. Cross Central Avenue on Yale Blvd north onto UNM campus & keep walking straight (approx. 600 ft) until you come to a fountain (Mother Earth Fountain). Make a right (east) and walk approx. 110 feet past Woodward Hall (left). The Student Union Building is on the left before you run into another large walkway (Cornell Mall).
Campus Parking Information:
You must pay for parking in and around campus (not included in registration fee). The closest parking structure for visitors is the Cornell Parking Structure (building 198 on attached map) and just about a minute walk to the Student Union Building (SUB – building 60 on map).
PDF Campus Map
Google based interactive map
(updated 10/15/24)