Research Presentation Info

Poster Presentation Information (Two sessions on Sept. 4. your exact presentation time will be posted within a week of the event):  

You will present in either the morning session or afternoon session. Please make sure you bring your poster with you to registration on Sept. 4 so we can collect it and set it up well ahead of the event. Also, please put your name and your session # on your poster tube so we can return it to you after the event. We have enlisted volunteer evaluators (faculty and grad students based on their availability) that will be circulating and filling out evaluations of the posters so that presenters can receive feedback.

Poster Dimensions: 36”tall x 48”wide--Landscape Orientation Only. TIP--Roll your poster with the images and text facing outward before placing it in a travel tube. It will display better during the session.

Poster dimensions graphic
              YES!      NO!



Oral Presentation Information (Sept.5)your exact presentation time will be posted within a week of the event.

  • Up to 12 Concurrent sessions on Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:45 am to 4:00 pm on the top floor of the SUB (various rooms).
  • Format: 12-minute presentation, and 3 minutes for Q&A (15 min. total).  Please do not go over your allotted time so that everyone can have a full 15 minutes.
  • Organization of presentations:  To enhance your presentation experience at our conference, there will be evaluators and moderators (faculty, staff and grad students based on their availability) in attendance that will fill out evaluation forms to provide feedback to presenters.
  • Please bring your presentation saved onto a thumb drive/USB drive.  Please arrive at your presentation room early, locate the moderator and ask them to assist you in copying your presentation to the laptop desktop before the session begins.  Then eject your USB drive.  Open up your presentation and make sure it works properly. 
  • Presentation Equipment:
    • Rooms: Each room will be set up theater style with approx. 30 seats.  There should be a podium in each room with a laptop
    • Laptops:  Dell Laptops 
    • 75" LCD Screens in all but one room (Lobo B has a projector and screen). FYI, laser pointers do not work on LCD screens.
    • Software: Microsoft PowerPoint 
    • Presentation Remote/Clickers: Each room will have a “clicker” that can advance presentation slides
    • Audio: The rooms have built in speakers that are quite good for the presentation rooms. Please arrive early to test audio before presenting.
    • Warning: Although Wi-Fi is available in the SUB, we cannot guarantee connectivity or quality bandwidth.  Therefore, we discourage the use of presentations that rely on the Internet during the presentation.  Podiums are not available for every room in the SUB.

 (page updated on 1/25/25)