2024 UNM McNair Scholars Research Conference

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¡Bienvenidos! We welcome all undergraduate research scholars from all majors to participate in the 2024 McNair Scholars Research Conference on the campus of University of New Mexico on September 5 & 6, 2024. Conference registration is open to students, staff, and graduate school recruiters. Please click on the buttons below to learn more about our conference and to register. 

Conference Highlights:

  • Meet & Network with undergraduate scholars from all over the country
  • Have the opportunity to present an oral or poster presentation
  • Participate in a graduate school fair
  • Attend a unique cultural event
  • Have free professional headshot photos taken 
  • Visit a unique part of the country; a convergence of cultural and historical traditions set in the Rio Grande Valley at the base of the majestic Sandia Mountains and between two national research laboratories
  • Take an excursion to the 10,000+ feet high Sandia Peak Tramway (http://www.sandiapeak.com) 
  • Visit UNM’s beautiful campus located along historic Route 66
  • Experience New Mexican cuisine
  • Supportive faculty and graduate student volunteers will provide feedback for presenters (based on volunteer availability)

Feel free to reach out to us if you have questions (email mcnair@unm.edu or call 505-277-5491). 

Conference Info Links:

Registration ends August 12, 2024 or when we reach capacity (whichever comes first)

****Registration Update - As of July 26 at 8:00 am MDT, we only have 20 slots available for poster presentations. We still have approximately 50 oral presentation slots available. We only have 7 available slots for gradaute school recruiters. Registration numbers this year are outpacing our previous conferences. If you are planning on registering, do not wait until it is too late!

Registration button link 

Schedule Link

Conference Hotel Link

Abstract Info Link

Presentation Info Link

Grad Fair Link

Volunteer Link 

(page updated 6/26/24)