Volunteer Info
Volunteer Opportunities for the 2025 UNM McNair Scholars Research Conference (Sept. 4 & 5)
Please consider volunteering for our conference which will feature undergraduate researchers from coast to coast. Last year we had student participants approximately 40 universities and 67 poster and 110 oral research presentations. We are expecting a similar group this year. We cannot hold a successful conference without the help of the entire UNM and McNair community. The time commitment is minimal, but your impact can be substantial!
FYI, the McNair Scholars Program prepares first-generation, low-income and underrepresented undergraduates for graduate school in research-based fields. There are 216 programs nationwide.
- General Assistance (you can choose from the following tasks: registration table, poster presentation set up, or research presentation help desk, etc.)
- Moderator (assigned to an oral presentation session and asked to coordinate the presentations: introduce speakers, timekeeping, facilitate questions, etc.)
- Evaluator (Ph.D.s, graduate students, or staff with graduate degrees that fill out evaluation forms for oral or poster presentations).
Volunteer website will be updated in the spring of 2025.
(updated 10/15/24)